Business Challenges

The Importance of Creativity and Innovation in Business

Creativity fuels innovation. One is a thought process, the other an action. To continue thriving in your business today and into the future, you need both.

Creativity scores second among the most in-demand skills for companies. But, according to LinkedIn, it’s “the single-most-important skill in the world for all business professionals today to master.” A recent article by TopResume lists creative problem-solving and innovation as the top soft skills employers are looking for in 2021.

We would have to agree with these conclusions and even go a step further by saying that innovation doesn’t exist without creativity. And without innovation, your business can’t progress or evolve. Instead, it will remain stagnant and could eventually become irrelevant.

So how do you create a more creative and innovative business that fuels advancement and growth? We’ll address this vital question and give you some actionable steps to help your organization start thinking outside the box.

Quick Takeaways

  • Creativity fuels innovation.
  • Creativity involves using the imagination to develop new, original ideas to create or produce something new.
  • Creativity and innovation can lead to progress and growth in businesses.
  • Innovation and creativity can benefit your company in numerous ways, including increasing productivity, honing your team’s problem-solving skills, and gaining an edge on your competition.
  • To think outside the box, try taking a different approach than you’re used to, look for inspiration to boost your creativity, and test new practices to stimulate your brain.

What’s the Difference Between Innovation and Creativity?

Creativity and innovation complement one another. Creativity involves using the imagination to develop new, original ideas to create or produce something new. Innovation involves successfully implementing creative ideas to invent something new. The two phenomena can lead to progress and growth in an organization.

Why are Creativity and Innovation Essential Business Skills?

Here are some of the top reasons to introduce and nurture creativity and innovation in your business.

Increase Productivity in the Workplace

While routine and repetition can eventually lead to burnout, creativity can lead to increased productivity by sparking excitement and feelings of purpose. Instead of running on autopilot, stimulate your brain by thinking outside the box and exploring new ideas that thrill you.

Another way you can increase productivity is by developing a new, more efficient process. How can you streamline your to-do list? What can you cut out, and what should you prioritize? Think of creative ways to increase productivity, test your ideas, and then incorporate your new-and-improved plan of attack.

Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills

Finding new ways to solve complex problems requires thinking outside of the box. This may require a team brainstorm session or a (literal) walk in the park to develop new thought patterns and innovative ideas. Ask questions. Then ask questions about the answers to those questions to dive deeper and challenge your team to develop novel solutions.

Gain a Competitive Edge

If your business learns how to think and act creatively, you’ll move ahead of competitors. Start developing better ways to:

  • Address problems in your business
  • Answer client questions
  • Design products
  • Deliver services
  • Connect with your target audience – in person and online
  • Market your offerings
  • Build successful campaigns and promotional strategies

Doing so can help you stand out from the competition, form deeper connections, and capture people’s attention.

3 Ways to Think Outside the Box

For a more creative-minded organization, you’ll need to start looking at things a bit differently. Here are some tips for thinking outside the box to avoid conforming to the mundane.

1. Take a Different Approach

Start solving problems from a different angle and challenging the status quo. Ask important questions like:

  • Why?
  • How?
  • Where?
  • What if?

Digging deeper will help you identify new issues you never realized before and see the problem through a different lens to develop a more comprehensive solution.

2. Look for Inspiration

Collecting inspiration can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing. If something makes you laugh, smile, or cry, save it or display it to inspire your work. It may be a blog, photo, podcast, email, video, magazine article, or something else.

You can also find other creatives who capture your attention and encourage you to take chances. Hold an open brainstorming session with your team to share ideas and motivate each other to try new things. You could also collaborate with another business to put a new spin on a campaign or project.

3. Stimulate Your Brain

Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

  • Work with someone who has a different process than you. You’ll learn how to approach things in a new way.
  • Think through a problem backward. For example, rather than thinking about an outcome you hope to achieve, think through all the consequences you want to avoid. Or you could start by identifying your end goal, then work backward to identify each step you will take to get back to the original problem.
  • Digest content that seems outside your wheelhouse or comfort zone. Maybe it’s reading a book in a different genre than you’re used to or learning about a new industry.
  • Indulge in cultural activities – like a movie, concert, or festival – to strengthen the connection between both halves of your brain.
  • Take a class or two to learn a new skill (or, specifically, how to practice being more creative). You may learn new perspectives and additional ways to problem-solve.
  • Writing a poem or drawing a picture can help stimulate the right (creative and artistic) side of your brain.
  • Take a shower, get a good night’s sleep, and eat healthily.

Adopting a Creative Mindset

Here at BOOM Communications, we consider ourselves opportunity creators. We know how to think outside the box, and we love challenging our clients to think deeper and more creatively to find new opportunities. If you’re a publisher and want to step up your game to remain competitive in today’s world, we’d love to talk with you.

Contact us today!

Jeff Baker

Jeff Baker is the Principal/Business Development Strategist at Boom Communications Group. He brings years of experience in marketing, sales and business consulting to the table. If you're looking to steer your company in the right direction and prioritize business objectives, Jeff is your man.