Product/Service Differentiation

Guerrilla Marketing for Small Business: How to Reinvent Your Advertising Strategy

The average person sees between 6,000 and 10,000 ads every single day. We can thank the internet for such an extreme bombardment, but the real question small business owners want to know is, “How can I make my business stand out from that competition?” The good news is guerrilla marketing for small business might be the answer you’re looking for.

Guerrilla marketing takes a uniquely creative and individualized approach to advertising. In this article, we’ll explore what guerrilla marketing is, why it’s such a powerful strategy for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), and five guerrilla marketing ideas you can start implementing as soon as you finish reading.

Key Takeaways:

  • Guerrilla marketing uses unconventional advertising methods to shock, wow, and surprise consumers.
  • The advantage of guerrilla marketing for a small business is the high level of effectiveness at a low investment cost.
  • Small businesses can employ simple, low-cost guerrilla marketing tactics such as influencer collaborations, business partnerships, viral videos, live demonstrations, and giveaways.

What Is Guerrilla Marketing?

You’ve probably heard the term “guerrilla warfare” before. It probably made you conjure images of ambushes, nighttime raids, and sabotage.

Like guerrilla warfare, guerrilla marketing also relies on the element of surprise.

Guerrilla marketing is the use of low-budget, unconventional marketing methods designed with a shock factor to surprise people. With the low-price tag and high engagement rate, guerrilla marketing is an appealing tactic for SMBs that often don’t have the wealth and brand awareness for more traditional marketing avenues.

Creativity is the most important factor. For example, take a look at how Mr. Clean employed a small-scale guerrilla marketing initiative on a crosswalk:


No text. No special offer. Just a single crosswalk stripe painted a brighter shade of white with the iconic character.

It’s a simple yet powerful idea that catches people’s attention and makes them do a double take. Compared to the cost of buying space on a billboard or alternative OOH advertising, painting a crosswalk stripe leaves a lot of money left in the budget while guaranteeing attention.

Some businesses go big with their guerrilla marketing ideas. However, while large companies can afford to invest in giant outdoor murals and oversized statues, small businesses often need to be more strategic and frugal with how they spend their marketing dollars.

5 Affordable Ideas to Successfully Use Guerrilla Marketing for Small Business

SMBs need to use their advertising budget effectively, which means maximizing exposure with minimal investment. That’s essentially the very definition of guerrilla marketing.

Here are some ways SMBs can use guerrilla marketing:

1. Influencer Collaboration

Many businesses feel they should advertise on social media, and with an estimated 4.41 billion people projected to be using social media networks by 2025, there’s merit to tapping into that massive audience.

But proper social media marketing requires consistent, engaging posts, and for SMBs, that can be a tall order if there isn’t a designated social media manager on staff. Even with a full-time team member, how can small businesses break through all of the noise when big companies are funneling tens of thousands of dollars into social media advertising?

Collaborating with influencers has helped many SMBs address that issue. Businesses provide an incentive such as free products, affiliate links, or upfront payments to influencers. In return, the influencer creates and posts content about the brand or products. This allows a small business to tap into an influencer’s audience and reach a large new network of highly engaged followers.

2. Business Partnership

If you’re looking to tap into someone else’s audience but don’t want to collaborate with an influencer, seek out other businesses that aren’t direct competitors.

A business partnership in similar or complementing industries provides opportunities for cross-promotion. For example, businesses often tag-team Instagram giveaways to cross-promote their products and encourage their bases to follow the other collaborators involved in the giveaway, essentially sharing their audiences.

This guerrilla marketing idea also works in brick-and-mortar settings. Maybe your small business makes beauty products and hair accessories, so you decide to partner with a local salon for cross-marketing. When people shop in your store, they get a coupon for their next haircut. At the salon, customers can get a free sample of your product to try.

3. Viral Videos

We’re not going to lie – going viral is easier said than done. One factor to remember is that viral videos aren’t over-produced scripted works of art. They’re usually normal people recording normal events on a smartphone. You don’t have to pay for a high-end production studio to make engaging videos.

And here’s another secret – your video doesn’t have to be all about your brand with a call-to-action (CTA). In fact, it’s more likely to go viral if you don’t try to make it an advertisement.

Need some inspiration? Film your employees doing a dance battle or post a harmless practical joke that made your customers jump and laugh when they came into your store on Halloween. Make your video personal and fun. There’s no guarantee you’ll go viral, but if you do, you could reach millions of people.

4. Live Demonstrations

Find creative ways to give live demonstrations. Set up shop on a busy sidewalk where people can see and try your product. Give talks or seminars as an introduction to the value you can offer.

Creating a value proposition is an essential part of any marketing strategy. Guerrilla marketing tactics that involve live demonstrations are a way to expose people to your products or services and let them gauge the value for themselves rather than simply take your word for it.

5. Giveaways

We discussed Instagram giveaways with business partners, but you should also consider doing solo giveaways on and off social media. How can you creatively get your product in front of people?

Restaurants often have drawings where patrons drop a business card as an entry. See if you can donate products to be included as part of the prize. Donate items to charity auctions. Set up a table at local fairs and festivals.

People are more likely to make a purchase if they’re familiar with your business and they’ve tried (and liked) your products.

Reinvent Your Advertising Strategy with Guerrilla Marketing

Billboards, social media and PPC ads, banner displays, and press features all have their place in an advertising budget. But adding new and creative guerrilla marketing tactics can make your business stand out in ways that generate interest and buzz on a whole new level!

Need some help with guerrilla marketing ideas that can work with your unique business plan and budget? Contact Boom Communications Group!

Jeff Baker

Jeff Baker is the Principal/Business Development Strategist at Boom Communications Group. He brings years of experience in marketing, sales and business consulting to the table. If you're looking to steer your company in the right direction and prioritize business objectives, Jeff is your man.